All MLB Teams by State List.

Major League Baseball ( MLB ) Teams List by State- Map, Division- A-Z.

  There are Currently Thirty-30 Major League baseball ( MLB )Teams (2017) in USA.
MLB Divided into two Main categories MLB American League AL & MLB National NL both consisting of 15 teams & subdivision into three other AL East, AL Central AL West and
 NL East, NL Central  NL West.
Here are Full Geo-location & list of A-Z in Alphabetical order of MLB Teams by State-Map, Division, City & they also have in California & Texas & Florida State-city. 

Major League Baseball, mlb. teams, state, map, city, division, al, nl, california, list.

MLB American League Teams  

AL East

Baltimore Orioles
Boston Red Sox
New York Yankees 
Tampa Bay Rays
Toronto Blue Jays  

AL Central 

Chicago White Sox
Cleveland Indians  
Detroit Tigers

Kansas City Royals
Minnesota Twins

Al West
Related Article

Houston Astros

Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim
Oakland Athletics
Seattle Mariners
Texas Rangers
 MLB National League Teams

NL East  

Atlanta Braves
Miami Marlins
New York Mets
Philadelphia Phillies
Washington Nationals
 NL Central

Chicago Cubs
Cincinnati Reds    
Milwaukee Brewers 
Pittsburgh Pirates
St. Louis Cardinals

NL West  

Arizona Diamondbacks  
Colorado Rockies
Los Angeles Dodgers
San Diego Padres
San Francisco Giants

major league baseball, MLB, Teams ,divisions, state, Map, city.